Embody Your Greatness


Transformational Coaching

Embody your Greatness coaching with Becky is experiential, interactive, and healing.  Your body, mind and spirit become more aligned. You learn to express the real you and release old patterns so you can make changes and move into new directions.

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  • Move from fear into joy.
  • Gain better body awareness and well-being.
  • Identify your unique talents and passions.
  • Develop self-love and self-calming skills.
  • Release old negative emotional patterns and habits.
  • Tap into personal creativity, power and success potential.
  • Learn how to ground and set healthy boundaries.
  • Move to higher levels of consciousness.

What will your sessions be like?

First, you will discuss your intentions and goals. You will receive strategic coaching aimed at creating action steps to take your life to the next level. Becky’s somatic arts process is the key to achieving spectacular results. This inner focusing is relaxing and allows you to be present to listen to messages from four areas of your multidimensional intelligence: mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. You will access and integrate your body’s deep wisdom, heart and feelings to gain fresh perspectives and meaningful input.  This self-knowledge empowers you to embody your greatness.

 Who is it for?Up Your Energy

  • Individuals overwhelmed by chronic stress, pain, or other health problems.
  • Adults in mid-life who seek a new direction.
  • Adolescents who are unmotivated and need a creative outlet for feelings.
  • Parents who need self-care practices and re-vitalization.
  • Therapists, nurses, and caregivers with burn-out.
  • Anyone who wants to operate from full potential.